Sunday, January 25, 2009

ICE 100 word drabble challenge on Livejournal 93 words rating K

I caught a bug that triggered a muse for the LiveJournal 100 Challenge. Thought I'd post it here since I've been concentrating on UNTETHERED and neglecting posting.

So here it is...


The single malt scotch burned a path down his throat to his stomach.
Warmth spreading throughout his body.
Spreading to defrost his freezing frame.
Thawing his mind to clarity.
Nevertheless not melting the ICE encasing his soul.
His mom, Frank, Declan death, to insanity.
And Alex, their relationship would never be the same.
Then his guilt for Nicole, not justice but vengeance.
He wondered since he felt doomed to the netherworld
If even those hell fires could thaw his frozen soul.


val said...

Oh, poor Bobby. You make me want to cry for him.

Eliza said...

As Val said, you made me want to cry for him, which means you did a great job!