Wednesday, September 23, 2009


If you see in your GOOGLE Alerts NAVARO's post ignore skip run delete from the SITE. My blood pressure shot blood out my ears. one word M O R O N. Does Google not read these things before they send them to us?

That said I have been wondering about something character-wise and am curious about what you think. From the time Ross came to the MCS he was weirded out by Bobby. Thought him crazy. A career destroyer.

Now he arranges for Nichols (Who has his own eccentricities) to come to MCS and we learn he was his partner for years. SO, Ross had been used to dealing with eccentric geniuses. And staying in trouble. Shouldn't he have been more able to understand and deal with Bobby? WTF? Any comments?

Or again its just poor writing from the new not watching old episodes?

Now a few caps from FOIL a DEUX


Anonymous said...

Maybe he and Bobby are too 'alike' in some strange way, and Bobby reminds Ross of himself in his pre-captain days. As I've said before I actually LIKE when there's tension between the two of them...maybe I'm strange.

As for the Google alerts, you do have to be careful, or you can find find you've accidentally strayed into some fetid swamp of trollism. If it's for someone I've never heard of - before or since - I tend to steer WELL clear, which might mean I occasionally miss out on some nuggets (and most of the 'regulars' make sure we're all well covered with news and pictures anyway), but it also means I keep my blood pressure under control ;0)

val said...

Ross acts and talks superior, but deep down he's not that much different. Except his height, his looks, his voice and his hair...

PurpleVixen7 said...

Ross thinks Bobby is "weird".."owerthinks" and so on,but the new guy..hellooo..he is not excatly "normal";) how much different is from Bobby;in his own way??!!
Sorry you had trouble with your account,there many traps all around..just try to be carfeul as you can..and just breath..breath..and meditate:)!!

judith said...

It's the poor writing team I think and now he's leaving us! Can a day get any sadder?

Wallyhorse said...

Very interesting, but not surprising on why VDO and KE left. NBC-Universal (parent of Wolf Productions) had to break the bank in order to keep Chris Meloni and Mariska Hargitay on Special Victims Unit in a time when advertising dollars are way down and production costs in general have skyrocketed (which is a big reason why NBC went to Jay Leno five nights a week at 10:00 PM ET/PT). NBC-Universal may have needed to slash the salaries of VDO and KE in order to make "CI" work from a financial standpoint (and to compensate for paying Chris M. and Mariska on "SVU," which NBC could ill-afford to lose as it was NBC's highest-rated returning series this season), and they may not have realized there were financial necessities what forced that change.

Wallyhorse said...
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