1. What country do you live in?
- USA Hendersonville, Tn just outside Nashville
2. What was the last country you visited other than our own (or that you want to if you haven't been out of your country)?
- Switzerland
3. What is your favorite kind of trip (i.e. camping, laying on the beach, cruise, etc.)?
- Site-seeing or hiking
4.What is the farthest location south that you have gone?
- Lima, Peru
5. What is the farthest location north that you have gone?
- Arctic Circle in Alaska
6. What is our preferred mode of transportation when traveling long distances?
- Airbus (My sister's private jet when I'm lucky enough to get to go with her.)
7. What kind of vehicle do you own or would like to own?
- Gold Chrysler Sebring convertible
8. What is your ideal destination?
- Italy
9. Who is your favorite travel companion?
- Lauren-my daughter, Sister Carolyn when available
10. What is the largest city you have visited?
- Hong Kong or NYC
11. What destination would you recommend to a friend?
- Florence, Italy
12. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
13. Where is the one destination you wish to go you know you never will?
-Valley of the Kings in Egypt
And here's who I would take with me in my fantasy travels perhaps to Neptune.
ALL who read this consider yourself tagged. Loving to travel I'd love to hear about yours. Don't travel abroad...use cities, States counties...or just wishes if you can't or don't.
Gosh, most of my travelling has been in my head - I'm a stay-at-home with the pets kind of a person.
You sound much better-travelled than the average American.
I was a travel-bug in my younger days! Living in the UK, we're pretty well placed for anywhere in Europe. Italy is one of my favourite places. I LOVE the States, always have done. Furthest place I've travelled to? Hawaii!
I haven't been able so far,to travel too far away.I want to visit so many places on this planet.And YES I dream to visit and Mars or Satryn;)-hoping;of course with that man beside me!!;)
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