Nine more nights to go then home to what? Haven't had much time to think about it. Usually just too damn tired.
The injured still keep coming though the clinic. many coming in with illnesses.
The health experts here are worried about a cholera outbreak as we have had several cases already. Had to send two nurses home that weren't vaccinated for it. Less and less staff as the Haitian disaster becomes old news. Plenty of supplies. Just not enough volunteers.
Not doing another stint though. Can't take it.
My day.
Go into work. On my feet 18 hours, at least do get an hour for lunch. Off then to the showers, Salt water to wash, clear to rinse. Spray body with bug spray. Get another nurse to spray back. Must be covered head to toe. Try to sleep. Sometimes can sometimes takes a while and I internet till exhaustion overtakes me. Get up and go eat. Have lost 15 pounds I didn't need to loose. Can see indentations between my ribs. I'd rather it come off my breasts but I never loose it there. My back would appreciate it though. Keep losing I may get down to that "perfect 24 inch" waistline. Which at six feet is too small,
Daughter says they had snow last night again. Its been several years since we have had any snow so we do while I'm out of country. Usually just cold.
Then I try to net again. Right now I am suppose to be sleeping. Am off until tomorrow at 3 am. Its a balmy 84 degrees right now. Dark. Humid. Sound of buzzing bugs outside my mosquito net.
They say violence is breaking out more and more throughout the city. Haven't been around any of that....yet, and I have Nick and he is armed and knows how to use all those weapons he carries on himself. Automatic and knife visible. Plus he tells me his body is a lethal weapon and having seen him in his T-shirt and seen the steel bulges in his arms I believe it.
Smell of death still clings to everything. And the BUGS never go away. No wonder there is so much disease. The whole country needs to be sprayed.
Trying to get to everyone's blog when since I can't sleep and don't like taking sleeping pill but in another hour I will or will be too tired and dangerous in the OR.
No praise, my friends...yeah yeah I am wonderful yada yada yada, send me normal tell me of your day.
Oh, and if you dare to be brave enough to walk around outside without a mask--little tiny black gnats try to fly up your nose. I HATE HATE HATE BUGS.