I have finally settled down into what will now be my normal life. Paid off the flooded house. Once it clears the clerk's office we will sell it to the contractor. Got a check for the difference on the insurance of $52, 0000. That's what we paid down. Have been paying for 15 years. Will be lucky not to have to pay the contractor to take it.
Have reached a livable relationship with husband. He goes his way I go mine. He has his room I have mine. When we meet in the middle we are cordial...no sniping. Never believed myself to ever be in this position. ::shrug::
The Criminal Intent sites seem to be shutting down. I myself have had little time for Vincent.
I finally watched their last episode--pissed me off. Now how will they bring them back and be realistic? Do they even care? We never saw Ross' body--wouldn't even let Liz examine or see him. Will they bring him back--he wasn't killed...witness protection or some such crap.
Watched the movies of Vincent. (Spoilers)
THE NARROWS I absolutely loved. He was wonderful.
BROOKLYN'S FINEST dead in first three minutes--only decent acting in the movie though Gere showed some of his skill at the end, I thought Hawke was horrible.
THE NEW TENANTS. I'm sorry I hated this Indie short. Guess I am not Avant garde enough.
STATEN ISLAND I loved him in this. I hated the ending. Now who's gonna take care of his mama.
Watching google alerts over the months I found two photos of the handsome guy that made me just want to eat him up